Rector's Visions
The Rector's Visions are also published in our monthly newsletter, The Crier.
Archive 2022
Advent is my favorite season of the year. All the waiting and wonder and expectation and hope are, well, wonderful. And to work and wait for a Light that is eternal and always beyond all my work during the season when so many are busy stringing temporary lights and decorations of a rather superficial happiness, helps me to remember what I am – what we as Christians are – about. The Light of the World is breaking in. And after pandemic, the Christmas decorations go up earlier and earlier still in hopes of standing against the darkness of this crazy world. They may help a bit – I love all the lights and decorations and many do point to the Light that never goes out. What do you do in Advent to reach beyond the temporary distractions of our lives to the ultimate Light of the world? In these days of winter darkness and chill, of all manner of political darkness in our country and in the world, in the darkness of a pandemic, where can you find and be the Light that never goes out? How can we give this Light to others who are struggling in the darkness? And where is your darkness? There are the darknesses of old age and loss, of economic challenge, of moral confusion, and of so many other sorts. How can you walk courageously through that darkness holding onto the Light of the World? And how can you help someone else along the way? These are a few of the joys and challenges of Advent. May you hope throughout these days. May you seek and search with expectation that God will bring the fullness of time, the Light of the World to our world.
God’s Peace, Gary+
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The Very Rev. Gary Barker
July 2022