Rector's Visions
The Rector's Visions are also published in our monthly newsletter, The Crier.
Archive 2022
Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound.
What sound does Grace make? In many ways Grace is so rich and full and so quiet and empty at the same time. As we begin our Lenten Journey toward the Grace and fullness of Resurrection life, we spend time first, in ashes and desert, in mortality and emptiness. There are many reasons for starting there, but surely one of the greatest is simply this: to get to the fullness of a life that is eternal in God, we have to empty ourselves of so much of our self-importance and control. Walking the way of the cross means following Jesus. And if we are honest with ourselves, we usually would prefer to find an easier route. We want to be people of God, but we don’t want to have to live by the flimsy uncertainties of faith. We want to be people of prayer, deeply in relationship with God, but too often prayer ends up a rather low priority and looks like a grocery list of people’s names rather than a banquet in the presence of the divine. We want to depend on Grace, but in our daily lives we feel guilty for not doing enough, getting it right all the time, being more than any human being can be. We want to love like Jesus, but hope it won’t get to be too inconvenient or hurt too much or cost us much. How can you give up what is between you and God for Lent? How can you listen deeply in your actions and prayers for the sound that Grace makes? Fr. Gary
The Very Rev. Gary Barker
July 2022