Opening Prayer: Heavenly, Father, I am always in your Presence. Your love guides my feet on my path and your Spirit lifts my soul. Introduction: Lent is a season for introspection and preparation. Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days to prepare for his ministry. There, when tempted by the devil three times, His love for His Father enabled him to resist each temptation. Lent offers us a time for self-reflection. Think of your labyrinth walk as symbolic of the time Jesus was tempted in the wilderness and struggled with his temptations. On your walk, go deep within and explore the temptations you find in your life that separate you from God’s loving presence. Scripture: Romans 8:38 – 39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Pause for Thought: The Divine Presence is with us whether we are aware of it, believe it, trust it, experience it, or not. Preparatory Prayer: Standing at the Labyrinth entrance, quiet your mind for this prayer: Holy Jesus, May I be open to Your Presence as You walk beside me. Labyrinth Walk: As you begin your Labyrinth walk, notice that the path is clear of obstacles. There is nothing to keep you from reaching the center, just as there was nothing that could separate Jesus from His Father. As you follow the path, imagine Jesus walking beside you. In your mind’s eye, picture Him taking your hand as you walk. If you have trouble imagining this, do not despair. Be gentle with yourself and know that He is with you whether you picture Him or not. Try not to get caught up in expectations of what you might or should be experiencing. Simply follow the path and open your heart to your Loving Companion. As you walk, be aware of any thoughts, feelings or insights that arise. Take note of them, then turn your attention back to the path and your Companion. When you reach the center, say a prayer of gratitude for your walk inward. Give thanks to Jesus for walking beside you. Stay in the center as long as you like. Allow your mind to be calm and open to any thoughts, feelings, images, intuition and insight that might come to you. Do not try to force anything. If nothing comes, accept that and simply experience the quiet of this sacred space, knowing Jesus is standing beside you. When you are ready, follow the path back to the entrance. The path outward is one of Union, of letting your experience now become part of your life. At the entrance, pause and give thanks to your Companion. Walk away in gratitude for His Loving Presence in your life. You may want to walk around the circumstance of the Labyrinth. This is a time to process your experience. You might also want to write about it in a prayer journal.